Smoothie Ingredients

In this category you’ll find blog posts featuring some on the healthiest ingredients you can add into your smoothies. You’ll learn the history and myriad health benefits of superfood smoothie ingredients that take the nutrition of your smoothies to a whole new level.

Chia Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse and Perfect Smoothie Ingredient

Chia Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse and Perfect Smoothie IngredientSmoothies are excellent vehicles for superfoods. These are ingredients that contain several nutrients that will improve your health in many different ways. Chia seeds are one such superfood, and yes these are the same seeds that grow hair-like grass on ceramic figurines :)

The chia plant, or Salvia hispanica, is a flowering plant related to mint that is native to Guatemala and southern Mexico. From historical records, it is known that the Aztecs cultivated chia before the Spanish explorers arrived and many historians believe that it may have been part of their food staples alongside maize. The people of this region still eat chia seeds today and either grind them up or eat them whole.

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What is Maca and why should I put it in my Smoothie?

Maca Root Powder - Andean SuperfoodSpend any time learning about how to get healthy, increase your stamina, boost your energy or strengthen your immune system, and you’re bound to come across thousands of rave reviews about “Maca”. Maca has been highly regarded for centuries as a miracle food so it’s no surprise it has become a recent addition to the “must have” nutrient list for smoothies.

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