Smoothies featuring coconut oil

Cold & Flu Buster Smoothie

Cold & Flu Buster SmoothieKick colds and flu bugs to the curb with this immune boosting smoothie!

Or consume periodically to prevent catching colds and the flu.

The idea for this recipe is from a fellow health and smoothie enthusiast, Amber. She tweaked this recipe she found online by adding a super cold and flu busting ingredient, garlic. I took her recipe a step further by using ginger tea instead of water and adding a little coconut oil.

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Tart Cherry Mango Smoothie

Tart Cherry Mango SmoothieTickle your taste buds with this flavorful tart cherry mango smoothie. It’s just as nutritious as it is delicious.

You know that feeling when you find a twenty dollar bill in the back pocket of an old pair of pants? That’s kind of how I felt when I discovered a bag of frozen tart cherries buried behind the blueberries in my freezer. Naturally, I made a smoothie with these little balls of flavor the next morning for breakfast.

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Schizandra Berry Superfood Smoothie

Schizandra Berry Superfood SmoothieThis flavorful and exceptionally nutritious smoothie featuring the five-flavor superfood, schizandra berry, is sure to tickle your taste buds and ensure you have the best day ever :)

Schizandra berry is one of my new favorite superfoods. I dabbled with the berries in the past, using them to make tea, but it wasn’t until this fabulous new extract powder recently hit the market that it became a regular in my rotation.

Here’s a quick run down of the top health benefits attributed to this wonderful superfood.

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Cherry Blueberry Smoothie

Cherry Blueberry SmoothieTwo of my favorite fruits are in season here in Michigan and I can’t get enough of them :)

Trips to the farmer’s market are extra rewarding this time of year. While walking home with bags full of fresh, local food, feelings of gratitude abound. Remember, fresh tastes best!

Cherries and blueberries tickle your taste buds and are known to benefit your health in the following ways.

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Berry Beet Citrus Smoothie

Berry Beet Citrus Smoothie

Berries, Beets, and Citrus, Oh My!

This delicious and supremely nutritious recipe is not my own creation, rather the brainchild of fellow smoothie master, Niko. She sent me this recipe a couple of months ago, but I held off on making it until I could procure beets locally. That happened last weekend at the farmer’s market and this beautiful smoothie is the result.

The nutritional powers of berries and citrus are relatively well known. Beets, not as much. Coincidentally, I just finished reading a fantastic book that I highly recommend, Eating On The Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health by Jo Robinson. The chapter on beets really opened my eyes and has convinced me to start consuming these nutritional powerhouses more often.

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Eclectic Elixir

This is the elixir I regularly consume tEclectic Elixiro ensure the best day ever :)

Elixirs replace smoothies in my regimen when there’s freezing temps and snow, which is about 4 months a year living in Michigan.

As with smoothies, I recommend developing a go-to elixir or two. My staple elixir is tailored to my personal nutritional needs and health goals, as should yours. Having a go-to elixir takes the guesswork out of what I’m having for breakfast and allows me to stock up on ingredients in bulk.

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