Smoothies featuring beet greens

Berry Beet Citrus Smoothie

Berry Beet Citrus Smoothie

Berries, Beets, and Citrus, Oh My!

This delicious and supremely nutritious recipe is not my own creation, rather the brainchild of fellow smoothie master, Niko. She sent me this recipe a couple of months ago, but I held off on making it until I could procure beets locally. That happened last weekend at the farmer’s market and this beautiful smoothie is the result.

The nutritional powers of berries and citrus are relatively well known. Beets, not as much. Coincidentally, I just finished reading a fantastic book that I highly recommend, Eating On The Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health by Jo Robinson. The chapter on beets really opened my eyes and has convinced me to start consuming these nutritional powerhouses more often.

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Apple Blueberry Beet Greens Smoothie

Apple Blueberry Beet Greens SmoothieIf you haven’t figured out how to make good use of your excess beet greens, or are looking for a new green to work into the rotation, this smoothie is for you.

For the longest time I made green smoothies with only spinach and kale, but that got boring. Then I started using other greens such as Swiss chard, dandelion greens, lettuce, arugula, and beet greens. The result, a healthier me and my smoothie fun-o-meter going bonkers :)

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Banana Beet Green Smoothie

Banana Beet Green SmoothieLooking for a new green to use in your smoothies? Give beet greens a try. Beet greens are quite nutritious, and their mild flavor is easily masked by a sweet fruit such as banana.

Beet greens are particularly rich in vitamins K and A. Vitamin K works in tandem with calcium to produce strong bones. If you suffer from osteoporosis or would like to reduce your chances of developing it, ample amounts of vitamin K should be a present in your diet.

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