Fresh Juice

Fresh juice can be just as good for your health as smoothies. Fresh juice delivers nutrients in a form that’s easy for the body to assimilate and absorb with very little work required by the digestive system. You can also combine the two by using fresh juice as the liquid for your smoothies. Below you’ll find some of my favorite juice recipes. Note, you’ll need a good juicer to juice these up. Hop on over to my Resources page if you’re in need of a juicer.

Smoothies vs Juicing: Which is Better?

Smoothies vs JuicingTo the untrained and inexperienced eye a smoothie and a juice might seem like the same thing or at least very similar. Although both are drinks that are typically made with fruits and vegetables, there are some significant differences between the two.

Smoothies include a greater variety of ingredients and have a thick consistency, while juices are simpler recipes and leave out the fiber and pulp of produce.

In terms of health and nutrition, both smoothies and juices can be great additions to your daily diet. There are pitfalls to watch out for with both, and you should always make your own rather than relying on store bought products. The latter are often high in calories, sugar, and preservatives. To help you decide which is better for your lifestyle, or to convince you that both juices and smoothies have a place in your diet, here is some more information about both.

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Sugarless Lemonade

Sugarless LemonadeThis is perhaps the easiest and most refreshing fresh juice recipe ever! Simply juice a couple of apples and a lemon and you’re left with a delicious treat.

Lemonade is most appreciated on a hot summer day. Add a few ice cubes to your fresh juice, or pour into your blender, add ice, and blend until you have a cool, slushy beverage.

Here are a few reasons why you’d want to drink this besides that fact it tastes great.

Apple Juice Health Benefits

  • Antioxidant rich
  • Liver and kidney cleanser
  • Good for digestion and toxin removal
  • High in vitamin C
  • Heart healthy
  • Can offer relief from asthma
  • Drink your apple a day

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Super Skin Glow Fresh Juice

Super Skin Glow Fresh JuiceIt’s officially glowing skin time here at Healthy Smoothie HQ!

I figured a good juice recipe for your skin would be a nice compliment to my most recent smoothie recipe, The Official Glowing Green Smoothie.

Nothing brings out the glow in your skin like fresh juice. This recipe contains some of the most beneficial fruits and vegetables for healthy, supple, beautiful skin.

Here are the ingredients with a brief description of how each promotes healthy, glowing skin.

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Fall Harvest Juice

Fall Harvest Juice

Before running through the juicer…

This is the first recipe in what will eventually be many in the Fresh Juice category.

Fall is in the air and farmers are harvesting some of my favorite foods, many of which are great for juicing.

On my most recent trip to the farmers’ market I couldn’t help myself and bought more than I could possibly eat in the next week. When I got home I knew I’d be breaking out my trusty Jack LaLanne juicer to make sure nothing went to waste.

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