Smoothies featuring goji berry

Goji-Cacao-Maca Superfood Smoothie

Goji Cacao Maca Superfood SmoothieI love fruit and green smoothies as much as the next person, but superfood smoothies are by far my favorite. A smoothie for breakfast full of real superfoods never fails to put me a good mood, with plenty of energy, and a positive, up-beat attitude for the entire day.

Superfood smoothies ensure I have the best day ever :)

This smoothie features three of my all-time favorite superfoods, goji berries, cacao (raw chocolate), and maca. Almond/Coconut milk, frozen blueberries, banana, Sun Warrior chocolate protein, and a dash of sea salt round out this nutrient dense recipe. So, what’s so special about each of these superfoods?

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The Brain Booster Smoothie Recipe

Brain Booster Smoothie Recipe

Photo by hockeycrew

Brain health is vitally important in this fast-paced world we live in where things are coming at us from every direction. The ingredients in this smoothie recipe all play a role in improving your mental clarity, memory, and overall brain function. Here’s a run down of each ingredient and its respective brain boosting benefits.

The base of this smoothie is apple juice, which prevents the loss of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, critical for memory and brain health.

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Antioxidant Berry Blast Smoothie

Antioxidant Berry Blast Smoothie Recipe

Photo by mellowfood

How often do you read or hear someone talking about antioxidants? They’re all the rage. Foods and supplements high in antioxidants are held in high esteem, and for good reason.

Antioxidants are substances that protect your cells from damage caused by unstable molecules, better known as free radicals. Free radicals are produced through the process of oxidation, which is the interaction between oxygen and other molecules. A rusty car bumper is an example of damage from oxidation.

Your body produces free radicals when your cells use oxygen, as is the case when breaking down food and exercising. Exposure to environmental toxins like smoke and radiation also produce free radicals. Free radicals are implicated in a number of diseases including cancer and heart disease.

Antioxidants to the rescue!

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Go-Go Goji Berry Smoothie Recipe

Goji Berry SmoothieWhen I first stumbled upon goji berries several years ago I couldn’t believe how delicious they were considering the nutritional punch they pack. Goji’s put the “super” in superfood. Not only are they great on their own, in salads, trail mixes, and teas, but – you guessed it – in smoothies!

Goji berries have become quite popular in the world of health and nutrition, and for good reason. Considered a superior Chinese tonic herb, these little guys are pure nutrition. Here are a few reasons why consuming goji berries on a regular basis is in everyone’s best interest.

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