Smoothies featuring chia seeds

Blueberry Coconut Kombucha Smoothie

Blueberry Coconut Kombucha SmoothieMy foray into the wonderful world of kombucha began last summer and has now come full circle with my first kombucha smoothie!

For those that don’t know, kombucha is a fermented tea. It’s teaming with probiotics or friendly bacteria, which are increasingly getting more attention because of how important they are not only for digestion, but overall health.

Kombucha has a long history of use, in fact, the ancient Chinese went as far as labeling it “Immortal Health Elixir”.

Here are a few of the key health benefits associated with this bubbly fermented beverage.

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Chia Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse and Perfect Smoothie Ingredient

Chia Seeds: Nutritional Powerhouse and Perfect Smoothie IngredientSmoothies are excellent vehicles for superfoods. These are ingredients that contain several nutrients that will improve your health in many different ways. Chia seeds are one such superfood, and yes these are the same seeds that grow hair-like grass on ceramic figurines :)

The chia plant, or Salvia hispanica, is a flowering plant related to mint that is native to Guatemala and southern Mexico. From historical records, it is known that the Aztecs cultivated chia before the Spanish explorers arrived and many historians believe that it may have been part of their food staples alongside maize. The people of this region still eat chia seeds today and either grind them up or eat them whole.

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Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Oh how I love my superfoods : )

This has become my go-to smoothie recipe of late, give or take an ingredient or two.

It’s perfect for breakfast of after a grueling workout.

For anyone looking to get more protein into their diet in a form that’s easy for the body to assimilate and absorb, this smoothie is for you.

I tagged this smoothie with the “superfood” label because it calls for spirulina. A single-celled, blue-green spiral algae that gets its green color from chlorophyll, spirulina is best known in health circles for its protein content. At around 65-70% pure protein by dry weight, it’s a legitimate protein powerhouse. Protein that’s easy for the body to assimilate and use, mind you.

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Apple Pie Smoothie

Apple Pie Smoothie

Why not drink your pie :)

Apple pie is one of my favorite desserts. Although it often leaves me feeling guilty after eating because I know it’s not that healthy.

This smoothie solves that problem. Think of drinking a delicious slice (or two) of apple pie that’s loaded with good nutrition leaving you feeling good about yourself after consuming.

That’s the beauty of many smoothie recipes, you can transform an otherwise unhealthy food into something that’s highly nutritious and tastes just as good, if not better.

There’s obviously apple in this recipe, and we all know an apple a day keeps the doctor away; so I’m going to focus on the health benefits of each of the three spices this recipe calls for.

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Healthy Halloween Smoothie

Healthy Halloween Smoothie

Replace the treats with a healthy smoothie!

Ditch the sugary candy and satisfy your sweet tooth with this healthy treat. Most kids will love this smoothie; so give their little bodies a break from the Halloween sugar overload :)

Growing up Halloween was my favorite holiday because of my insatiable sweet tooth. Now I cringe thinking about how much candy I would consume this time of year.

It’s pretty much inevitable that children are going to eat some candy. Although, you can mitigate the damage by replacing some of that candy with this healthy and delicious alternative.

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The Healthiest Smoothie Ever

The Healthiest Smoothie EverI’m making a bold claim with the title of this smoothie, but hear me out.

In my quest to have the best day ever, the alchemist in me came out as I threw every superfood in my kitchen into the blender. The result, a delicious, creamy, and outrageously healthy superfood smoothie.

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