Superfood Smoothies

What earns a smoothie the coveted superfood label? Simple, the addition of a superfood(s). Superfood is a word that gets tossed around rather loosely these days, especially with companies and restaurants trying to cash in on its popularity. The smoothies below all contain legitimate superfood ingredients, each of which possesses a vast amount of nutrition, which results in smoothies that are super for your health.

Supergreen Aloe Smoothie

Supergreen Aloe SmoothieGreens and the wonderful superfood aloe vera combine for one super healthy smoothie.

Most people are familiar with using aloe vera topically. It’s great for burns, sunburn, rashes, acne, poison ivy, and a host of other skin conditions.

But the real magic and health benefits of aloe are experienced by those who consume it.

The gel of raw aloe contains a bevy of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, and the all important polysaccharides.

Polysaccharides are carbohydrates, or long chain sugar molecules, responsible for the following health benefits:

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Spirulina Superfood Smoothie

Spirulina Superfood Smoothie

Something that green must be good for you :)

One of the most potent and nutrient dense foods on earth, spirulina is perhaps best consumed in a smoothie.

When I first came across spirulina and began researching why it was considered a superfood, what stood out was the fact that it’s 65-70% pure protein by dry weight. Because of that I usually refer to it as the green protein queen or green gold.

Protein content aside, what’s so special about spirulina and why should you add it into your smoothies?

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Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Protein Power Superfood Smoothie

Oh how I love my superfoods : )

This has become my go-to smoothie recipe of late, give or take an ingredient or two.

It’s perfect for breakfast of after a grueling workout.

For anyone looking to get more protein into their diet in a form that’s easy for the body to assimilate and absorb, this smoothie is for you.

I tagged this smoothie with the “superfood” label because it calls for spirulina. A single-celled, blue-green spiral algae that gets its green color from chlorophyll, spirulina is best known in health circles for its protein content. At around 65-70% pure protein by dry weight, it’s a legitimate protein powerhouse. Protein that’s easy for the body to assimilate and use, mind you.

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Coconut Ginger Smoothie

Coconut Ginger SmoothieI have a confession to make, I’m addicted to coconut shreds.

Those sweetened little flakes of goodness don’t last long in my kitchen. It seems every smoothie I make is a perfect candidate for their inclusion, and not just a tablespoon or two, but a good half cup. They add a little gritty, chewy, sweetness that I’ve come to love.

Coconut products are a staple in my smoothies, and diet. In case you aren’t aware of their myriad health benefits, or just need a quick refresher, allow me to highlight this superfood with the following bullet points:

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The Beautiful Skin Smoothie

The Beautiful Skin SmoothieOne of the many benefits people experience when consuming healthy smoothies on a regular basis is clear, supple, glowing skin.

The secret to beautiful skin is how healthy you are on the inside, not what you apply externally. Although external lotions, creams, salves, and such that aren’t full of toxic tagalongs can be very helpful to your skin.

Your skin really is a reflection of how healthy you are on the inside. If your major organs are functioning properly, your blood is clean, your digestion is good, and your body’s natural detoxification channels are working correctly, most likely you have beautiful skin.

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The Healthiest Smoothie Ever

The Healthiest Smoothie EverI’m making a bold claim with the title of this smoothie, but hear me out.

In my quest to have the best day ever, the alchemist in me came out as I threw every superfood in my kitchen into the blender. The result, a delicious, creamy, and outrageously healthy superfood smoothie.

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