Superfood Smoothies

What earns a smoothie the coveted superfood label? Simple, the addition of a superfood(s). Superfood is a word that gets tossed around rather loosely these days, especially with companies and restaurants trying to cash in on its popularity. The smoothies below all contain legitimate superfood ingredients, each of which possesses a vast amount of nutrition, which results in smoothies that are super for your health.

Goji Raspberry Smoothie

Goji Raspberry Smoothie

Prepare to smile when this delicious smoothie meets your taste buds.

This delicious berry smoothie contains enough nutrition to qualify as a legitimate superfood smoothie…my favorite kind :)

Goji berries are one of the first superfoods I tried, and I still consume them regularly today. These little red berries are loaded with nutrition. They are antioxidant powerhouses, a complete protein (contain 19 different amino acids and all 8 essential) source, rich in trace minerals, and high in beta-carotene.

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Creamy Coconut Smoothie

Cream Coconut SmoothieThis smoothie is for all the coconut lovers out there, myself included. Coconut products such as coconut water and coconut oil are rising in popularity due to the increased awareness of all their wonderful health benefits.

Part of my inspiration for this recipe was an article I came across on Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr, who revealed her love of coconut oil. She takes four tablespoons a day. To some that may seem extreme, but for those in the know, it’s a healthy habit.

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Adrenal Support Smoothie

Are you often tired for no reason, feel stressed out and run down, have trouble getting up in the morning, or need caffeine, sugary or salty snacks to keep going? These are all symptoms or indications of adrenal fatigue, which you may be suffering from if you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions.

There are a number of lifestyle changes you can make to overcome adrenal fatigue, starting with the regular consumption of healthy smoothies containing ingredients known to support the adrenals.

Below I’ve listed the top smoothie ingredients that nourish the adrenals, most of which are adaptogens.

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Young Thai Coconut Smoothie

Young Thai Coconut SmoothieWhile picking up produce at my local food co-op yesterday I noticed something out of the ordinary on the extras table – a dozen or so young Thai coconuts. It was a first for the co-op and a treat I hadn’t had in a while; so naturally I grabbed one.

Young Thai coconuts our best known for their delicious electrolyte rich water, but also contain a little meat. You can make coconut milk blending the water and meat, which is perfect for smoothies. Here’s a few of the health benefits of young Thai coconuts.

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Goji-Cacao-Maca Superfood Smoothie

Goji Cacao Maca Superfood SmoothieI love fruit and green smoothies as much as the next person, but superfood smoothies are by far my favorite. A smoothie for breakfast full of real superfoods never fails to put me a good mood, with plenty of energy, and a positive, up-beat attitude for the entire day.

Superfood smoothies ensure I have the best day ever :)

This smoothie features three of my all-time favorite superfoods, goji berries, cacao (raw chocolate), and maca. Almond/Coconut milk, frozen blueberries, banana, Sun Warrior chocolate protein, and a dash of sea salt round out this nutrient dense recipe. So, what’s so special about each of these superfoods?

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Chocolate Chia Seed Smoothie

Chocolate Chia Seed SmoothieOh, how I’ve come to love my little nutrient dense chia seeds. They’re a great addition to many dishes, but perhaps best utilized in gel form to provide that signature smoothie creaminess.

This ancient seed is making a resurgence of sorts due to its myriad health benefits and versatility. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade, you know how important omega-3 fatty acids are for your health. Chia seeds are very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and contain more than flax seeds. Chia seeds are also high in antioxidants, a characteristic that allows them to enjoy a long shelf life, unlike most seeds. And that’s just the beginning of what this superfood has to offer.

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