Smoothies featuring blueberry

Supergreen Aloe Smoothie

Supergreen Aloe SmoothieGreens and the wonderful superfood aloe vera combine for one super healthy smoothie.

Most people are familiar with using aloe vera topically. It’s great for burns, sunburn, rashes, acne, poison ivy, and a host of other skin conditions.

But the real magic and health benefits of aloe are experienced by those who consume it.

The gel of raw aloe contains a bevy of vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, and the all important polysaccharides.

Polysaccharides are carbohydrates, or long chain sugar molecules, responsible for the following health benefits:

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Tasty Turmeric Smoothie

Tasty Turmeric SmoothieGet all the wonderful health benefits of turmeric, in particular its potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, by incorporating it into this delicious and easy to make smoothie.

Turmeric has been used in Indian Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries because of its superior health promoting properties. In the health circles I hang out in I feel like this “super spice” is being talked about more and more, primarily because of its superior anti-inflammatory action.

With inflammation at the root of so many illness such as arthritis, it’s important to include anti-inflammatories into your diet. With turmeric you get much more than a reducer of inflammation though.

Here’s a quick rundown of turmeric’s other health benefits.

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Blueberry Kefir Smoothie

Blueberry Kefir SmoothieKefir makes for a creamy, probiotic rich drink that when combined with blueberries renders one ultra-healthy and delicious smoothie!

Including fermented food and drink into your diet is vital for optimal health. Fermentation increases the nutrients, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria (probiotics) of food.

Poor gut health is linked to numerous ailments. Keep your piping healthy by regularly consuming fermented food and drink such as kefir.

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Rosemary Green Smoothie

Rosemary Green SmoothieThe latest herb to find its way into my blender is the lovely rosemary. Most people have cooked with rosemary, but have you tried it in a smoothie?

In case you’re new here, I’m a huge proponent of improving the taste and increasing the nutrition of smoothies by incorporating various spices and herbs.

Rosemary is quite easy to grow at home if you’re into that. I actually got a small bundle of sprigs from my CSA (community sponsored agriculture) last week.

Rosemary is no slouch when it comes to nutrition and health promoting properties. Here’s a quick hit list of this awesome herbs top health benefits:

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Apple Blueberry Beet Greens Smoothie

Apple Blueberry Beet Greens SmoothieIf you haven’t figured out how to make good use of your excess beet greens, or are looking for a new green to work into the rotation, this smoothie is for you.

For the longest time I made green smoothies with only spinach and kale, but that got boring. Then I started using other greens such as Swiss chard, dandelion greens, lettuce, arugula, and beet greens. The result, a healthier me and my smoothie fun-o-meter going bonkers :)

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Minty Spinach Green Smoothie

Minty Spinach Green SmoothieTake your green smoothies to the “minty side” with a little fresh or dried mint. It enhances the flavor and imparts some nice health benefits.

Earlier this summer I harvested a boatload of three varieties of mint: Moroccan, apple, and water. I used a little bit of the fresh herb in smoothies and teas, but dried out the bulk of it. Now I have three little mason jars with each variety of mint to dip into whenever I make a smoothie.

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