Smoothies featuring blueberry

The Beautiful Skin Smoothie

The Beautiful Skin SmoothieOne of the many benefits people experience when consuming healthy smoothies on a regular basis is clear, supple, glowing skin.

The secret to beautiful skin is how healthy you are on the inside, not what you apply externally. Although external lotions, creams, salves, and such that aren’t full of toxic tagalongs can be very helpful to your skin.

Your skin really is a reflection of how healthy you are on the inside. If your major organs are functioning properly, your blood is clean, your digestion is good, and your body’s natural detoxification channels are working correctly, most likely you have beautiful skin.

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Spicy Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Spicy Anti-Inflammatory SmoothieThis is the most potent anti-inflammatory smoothie recipe I could concoct based on my current knowledge, research, and ingredients on hand. Whether you’re battling a health issue (many of which inflammation is at the root of) or sore from an intense workout, reducing inflammation through a delicious smoothie is easier than most other modalities.

There are a handful of spices known for their anti-inflammatory properties, four of which I included in this recipe. Turmeric, a new smoothie favorite of mine, ginger, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon, the first spice I began blending into smoothies years ago. Not only do these spices provide a wide array of health benefits, they imbue your smoothies with a wonderful flavor…if used in the right proportions.

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Special K Protein Green Smoothie

Special K Protein Green SmoothieIn a recent comment on my Blueberry Spinach Green Smoothie recipe a reader revealed their version of this smoothie, with Special K Protein Shake as the liquid base. I’d never heard of Special K Protein Shake and thus looked it up. It’s a weight loss drink by Kellogg that’s far from healthy.

As a matter of fact, if someone snuck some into my home I’d immediately pour it down the drain where it belongs. One glance at the long list of ingredients and you should quickly be able to discern why this weight loss shake is unhealthy.

So, I decided to create my own healthy Special K green smoothie rich in vitamin K and protein that will help you lose weight, and improve your health.

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Ormus Supergreens Smoothie

Ormus Supergreens SmoothieThis green smoothie features one of my favorite green superfood powders, Ormus Supergreens.

I recommend green superfood powders for one or more of the following reasons: getting your daily allowance of veggies is a challenge, traditional green smoothies (blended green leafy vegetables) aren’t your thing, you want to incorporate an extremely nutrient dense green superfood into your diet.

For a lot of people using green superfood powders is sort of graduation to the next level of smoothie making, but in reality they can be a great starter ingredient if you want your smoothies loaded with nutrition, without much effort, right off the bat.

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Creamy Coconut Smoothie

Cream Coconut SmoothieThis smoothie is for all the coconut lovers out there, myself included. Coconut products such as coconut water and coconut oil are rising in popularity due to the increased awareness of all their wonderful health benefits.

Part of my inspiration for this recipe was an article I came across on Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr, who revealed her love of coconut oil. She takes four tablespoons a day. To some that may seem extreme, but for those in the know, it’s a healthy habit.

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Adrenal Support Smoothie

Are you often tired for no reason, feel stressed out and run down, have trouble getting up in the morning, or need caffeine, sugary or salty snacks to keep going? These are all symptoms or indications of adrenal fatigue, which you may be suffering from if you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions.

There are a number of lifestyle changes you can make to overcome adrenal fatigue, starting with the regular consumption of healthy smoothies containing ingredients known to support the adrenals.

Below I’ve listed the top smoothie ingredients that nourish the adrenals, most of which are adaptogens.

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