Smoothies featuring spinach

Kiwi Banana Green Smoothie

Kiwi Banana Green SmoothieKiwis are an excellent addition to your green smoothie. Their mild flavor won’t overpower your smoothie but will provide a little tropical flair. Kiwis also possess their own unique set of health benefits.

Kiwis are very rich in vitamin C, containing more of this essential vitamin than an equivalent amount of orange. They are also a good source of dietary fiber and potassium and contain trace amounts of other vitamins and minerals.

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St. Patty’s Day Green Smoothie

St Pattys Day Green SmoothieIn celebration of St. Patty’s Day I whipped up a nice, big, creamy green smoothie. Don’t get a shamrock shake from McDonald’s or guzzle of a bunch of green beer, go the healthy route and drink a delicious green smoothie that will leave you feeling terrific afterwards.

If you can’t find enough four leaf clovers to green your smoothie, use whatever you have on hand, whether it be spinach, kale, lettuce, dandelion, beet greens, or a combination.

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Blueberry Spinach Green Smoothie

Blueberry Spinach Green SmoothieWhenever I feel the need to turn my smoothie to the “green” side, I generally do so with spinach. I’m fortunate enough to have access to local, organic spinach from my CSA (community sponsored agriculture).

Spinach blends easier and isn’t as bitter as other greens like kale and dandelion, which makes it easier to create a delicious smoothie. Parents, keep this in mind when trying to get your kids to drink green smoothies.

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Spicy Spinach Smoothie Recipe

Spicy Spinach Smoothie

If you’re a fan of spicy food, you’re going to dig this smoothie recipe. When I first heard someone advocate adding spices like cayenne and chili powder into a smoothie I thought it sounded rather strange, but I had to give it a try.

Fast forward to today, and I routinely add spices into my smoothies. Some of my favorites are cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, and nutmeg. Adding spices is a super easy way to enhance the taste and boost the nutrition of your smoothies.

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Super Simple Green Smoothie Recipe

Super Simple Green Smoothie Recipe

Photo by kamikun

Eat your greens. I don’t know how many times my mom uttered those words growing up. Like most kids, I wasn’t too fond of the green vegetables. My taste buds have changed over the years and now I enjoy a wide variety of greens, but getting enough into my diet can be a challenge. Enter the green smoothie.

A green smoothie offers a quick and simple way to increase the amount of greens in your diet. Some greens aren’t the most pleasing to the palate, and can be somewhat difficult to chew and digest. Blending your greens in a smoothie solves both of these problems.

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