Smoothies featuring spinach

Green Superfood Smoothie

Green Superfood SmoothieThis is my go to green superfood smoothie when I get cravings for chlorophyll. I like to mix my smoothies up to ensure I get a good healthy balance of vitamins and minerals (and keep things fun and interesting), but truth be told, I’d have no problem guzzling this guy every day.

Starting my day with plenty of greens puts me in a good mood, with plenty of energy, feeling good about myself! The combination of ingredients in this smoothie provide an abundance of goodness. Let’s delve into the myriad health benefits.

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Ginger Spinach Green Smoothie

Ginger Spinach Green SmoothieIt’s no secret that I love to use various spices in my smoothies to boost nutrition and improve the taste. This recipe calls for one of my favorites, ginger. With ginger you get that signature peppery, sweet taste and a bunch of health benefits. Combined with a little spinach, frozen blueberries, and banana, and you’ll be rocking one healthy smoothie!

Quick aside, I recently purchased a new grater by Kyocera (Kyocera ceramic grater), which makes grating things like ginger and turmeric a breeze, and actually kind of fun. You can pick one up from Amazon for around $20. Highly recommended.

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Green Tea Smoothie

Green Tea SmoothieTake your green smoothies to the next level by using green tea as the base. Unless you brew a super strong batch of green tea, you won’t notice the taste in your smoothie, but will reap all the wonderful health benefits green tea has to offer.

So, what’s the big fuss over green tea anyways? A considerable amount of research has been conducted, primarily in Asian countries, revealing a mountain of health benefits. First and foremost, green tea is a longevity food. It’s an antioxidant powerhouse, prevents and fights numerous cancers, and is tremendous for the heart. I would need to write a short novel to cover every health benefit, but here are the big ones:

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The Green Machine Smoothie

The Green Machine SmoothieThis is one of my favorite smoothies, not because of its cool name, but rather the sheer amount of greens I’m able to cram into my blender and still have a delicious finished product. Green smoothies are quite popular these days, and for good reason. They are perhaps the easiest and most convenient way for people to get their daily allotment of green leafy vegetables.

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Arugula Green Smoothie

Arugula Green SmoothieTired of the same old spinach or kale green smoothie? Mix things up with arugula. Arugula has a strong bitter or almost peppery taste, a result of the alkaloids, or plant medicine it contains.

Arugula is classified as a cruciferous vegetable along with broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collard greens, and others. This class of vegetables are renowned for their protection against cancer. Here are the top health benefits attributed to arugula and most cruciferous vegetables in general.

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Iron-Rich Energy Greens Smoothie

Iron-Rich Energy Greens SmoothieI’m really excited for this recipe swap with Sheleana and her partner Caleb from Young and Raw! Their site is chalk full of great smoothie recipes as well as raw food dishes and treats. As someone who loves green smoothies, their Iron-Rich Energy Greens Smoothie was right up my alley.

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