Green Smoothies

Green smoothies are all the rage these days, and for good reason. They are perhaps the easiest way to get your daily allowance of healthy green vegetables in a highly digestible form. You’ll find a wide variety of green smoothie recipes below featuring the various greens.

Ginger Pear Green Smoothie

Ginger Pear Green SmoothieTreat yourself to this easy to make green smoothie that packs plenty of nutrition. If you’re new to green smoothies, this is a good one to start with. If you’re a smoothie veteran, start with the basic version of this recipe and get creative with the add-ons to build your own nutrient dense tasty green treat.

The ingredients in this smoothie offer much in the way of nutrition. Let’s first explore what pear can do for you.

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Avocado Smoothie Recipes

Avocado SmoothieFor smoothie recipes featuring the awesomeness of avocado, an ideal ingredient for creamy, delicious, and nutritious smoothies, look no further.

Most of the popular diets of the day (vegan, vegetarian, paleo, etc) openly embrace avocados. Their flavor, richness, versatility, and numerous health benefits put them squarely at the front of the class. Read on for the low down on why avocados are such a health supportive food, or skip ahead for three avocado smoothie recipes.

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Strawberry Salad Greens Smoothie

Strawberry Salad Greens SmoothieAfter yet another successful trip to the farmers’ market this morning I decided to make a smoothie using a few things that I purchased. Strawberry season is fast and furious here in Michigan so I make sure to load up on these delicious treats, and put some up in the freezer for future use. Along with strawberries I got a couple bags of salad mix and a bag of kale, all of which made their way into my blender.

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Green Superfood Smoothie

Green Superfood SmoothieThis is my go to green superfood smoothie when I get cravings for chlorophyll. I like to mix my smoothies up to ensure I get a good healthy balance of vitamins and minerals (and keep things fun and interesting), but truth be told, I’d have no problem guzzling this guy every day.

Starting my day with plenty of greens puts me in a good mood, with plenty of energy, feeling good about myself! The combination of ingredients in this smoothie provide an abundance of goodness. Let’s delve into the myriad health benefits.

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Ginger Spinach Green Smoothie

Ginger Spinach Green SmoothieIt’s no secret that I love to use various spices in my smoothies to boost nutrition and improve the taste. This recipe calls for one of my favorites, ginger. With ginger you get that signature peppery, sweet taste and a bunch of health benefits. Combined with a little spinach, frozen blueberries, and banana, and you’ll be rocking one healthy smoothie!

Quick aside, I recently purchased a new grater by Kyocera (Kyocera ceramic grater), which makes grating things like ginger and turmeric a breeze, and actually kind of fun. You can pick one up from Amazon for around $20. Highly recommended.

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Apple Dandelion Green Smoothie

Apple Dandelion Green SmoothieI often hear complaints from people who are sick and tired of rotating between only spinach and kale in their green smoothies. News flash! There’s a wide variety of green leafy veggies to choose from. Arugula, radish greens, swiss chard, collards, beet greens, lettuce, and one of my personal favorites, dandelion greens.

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