Smoothies featuring cacao

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Smoothie

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Smoothie

A special glass for a special smoothie :)

This is the perfect dessert recipe if you enjoy rich, creamy, chocolatey goodness.

It’s also a tasty, healthy, and filling breakfast or meal replacement.

After years of making smoothies I rarely get as excited over new recipes as I did this one. It really was out of this world delicious. Mind you, that’s coming from someone with an extreme weakness for chocolate ;)

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Chocolate Coconut Smoothie

Chocolate Coconut SmoothieThis chocolatey coconut smoothie is sure to tickle your taste buds and bring a big smile to your face :)

This isn’t your run-of-the-mill coconut smoothie recipe. It features a favorite choice food of mine – a young (Thai) coconut.

Recently I’ve been picking up one young coconut a week to blend into a special smoothie on Saturday mornings. That is if I can pour the coconut water into my blender before my girlfriend and I gulp it down.

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Chocolate Oatmeal Smoothie

Chocolate Oatmeal SmoothieStart your day proper with this delicious and highly nutritious chocolate oatmeal smoothie. Yes, you can have chocolate for breakfast!

Oatmeal is a popular and healthy breakfast option. You can take your oatmeal to a whole new level of flavor and nutrition by blending with a few choice ingredients. One of those ingredients being one of my all-time favorites, cacao, or raw chocolate.

Before we get to the recipe let’s take a look at some of the top health benefits of oatmeal:

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Chocolate Ginger Elixir

Chocolate Ginger ElixirHello warm, chocolatey, gingery goodness!

The ginger cookie taste I was aiming to recreate didn’t quite happen. However, this is still one flavorful and nutritive elixir.

This recipe is loaded with spices that offer myriad health benefits. The star spice of this recipe, ginger, delivers potent anti-inflammatory action, rivaling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ginger is perhaps best known for settling an upset stomach and providing gastrointestinal relief. It has also been implicated in protecting against certain cancers and is an immune system booster.

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Antioxidant Acai Cacao Smoothie

Antioxidant Acai Cacao SmoothieBanish those free radicals with this flavorful and highly nutritive superfood smoothie that’s loaded with antioxidants.

Free radicals are those nasty little molecules that can cause damage to your DNA. This damage, as it accumulates, can create all kinds of problems, from premature aging to cancer.

Antioxidants are compounds that destroy free radicals before they have the chance to harm you. The primary superfoods in this recipe, acai and cacao, are antioxidant powerhouses.

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Schizandra Berry Superfood Smoothie

Schizandra Berry Superfood SmoothieThis flavorful and exceptionally nutritious smoothie featuring the five-flavor superfood, schizandra berry, is sure to tickle your taste buds and ensure you have the best day ever :)

Schizandra berry is one of my new favorite superfoods. I dabbled with the berries in the past, using them to make tea, but it wasn’t until this fabulous new extract powder recently hit the market that it became a regular in my rotation.

Here’s a quick run down of the top health benefits attributed to this wonderful superfood.

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